When you’ve created your Yahoo Mail account then, you’ll want to check for new emails constantly, short of setting up Yahoo mail in an email program as well as using the new mail notification system. In this guide, we’ll explain the exact procedures to check Yahoo Mail or Yahoo for new emails. There are three ways to check the Yahoo Mail Account, from My Yahoo, from Yahoo Mail, and from Yahoo homepage. You will also learn customization of settings in Yahoo mail.
Let’s start the Yahoo Mail Account checking process:
Check for new emails from Yahoo Homepage
The homepage of Yahoo shoe ads and latest news and the sidebar that appears on the left will provide you instant access to many Yahoo services, including Yahoo Mail. Your Yahoo mail link should be shown near the tip of the list that appears below ‘View Yahoo Sites’. Here, click if you wish to go to Yahoo Mail otherwise, move your mouse over disclose the ‘Open QuickView’ option.
Check for new emails from My Yahoo
If you’re using the My Yahoo homepage service, you’ll be able to do even better, and have a new mail preview right under the page then, no click needed here.
If required, go to my.yahoo.com and login to Yahoo Mail Account
Then, click on the Add Content option
On the right, click on the My Yahoo Essentials link that will load all Yahoo associated add-ons and you can use it in My Yahoo. After that, locate and click on the Yahoo Mail Preview to add this application and after that, click on ‘I Am Done’.
Your latest Yahoo emails are now displaying just in the top left rectangle (that can be moved elsewhere)
Check for new emails within Yahoo Mail
In the final step, if you’re already inside Yahoo Mail, you don’t need to refresh the whole web page to check for new mail on the server. It will reload tour inbox and also download any new emails but the minus point is that it uselessly consumes much longer than the alternative. Now, simply click on the Check Mail option that appears near the left corner of the window. It quickly brings you to Yahoo Mail inbox and, conducts any new Yahoo Download email messages from the server.
These are few ways through which you can easily check the Yahoo Mail Account. Make sure that you’re using a strong and stable internet connection. Now we’ll move ahead with the Yahoo Settings customization process.
1.Change Yahoo Mail Settings
Use the Settings panel in your Yahoo Mail account to customize the appearance and performance of your yahoo inbox. Using this panel method depends on whether you are using the Yahoo Mail website or the Yahoo mail app.
2.Change Settings in the Yahoo Mail App
In the Yahoo Mail app, just tap on the three-line menu icon that appears in the top-left corner of the screen. Scroll or swipe down to choose the Mail Settings and from the Settings screen, you can customize how message display in your inbox, consisting of whether you want or not want to show the images. Not showing images will enhance the load times in the app that can be definitely helpful if you are on a slow Wi-Fi connection or mobile data.
3.Change Settings on the Yahoo Mail Website
On the Yahoo Mail website just click on the Gear icon that appears in the top-right corner of your inbox and then select Settings from the drop-down menu to open the Settings panel. From the Settings panel, you can customize the way your inbox display messages that account it draws messages from, the way it communicates the composition window and incoming emails filtration. Finally, save your changes and then click on the Save option when you are done.
By following these steps you can customize your Yahoo Mail Account settings. Follow the given steps carefully and if you are facing any issue while conducting any of the given steps then, get in touch with the experts for instant resolution. The teams are always there to help you.